Wedding - A & J

Jen - A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to tag along with a friend and take some pictures for a wedding. Here a few of the morning of and detail shots. Enjoy!

Morning Dew

Will - I had to stop and spend a moment taking in the morning sun, shining off the perfectly placed dew drops on the new grass. This is farm life. This is the stillness of the morning. 


Will - It's spring again and what a wonderful time of year this is! Every morning on the way to the farm while I walk down my parent's driveway I marvel at how the new growth pushes through the soil and stretches toward the sky. The small green plants that get bigger every day soon produce the most beautiful and delicate flowers. I love feeling the sun's warmth and it quickly takes the memory of the recent cold winter from my mind. This is going to be such a great season! Get outside! Go for a walk and notice all that is new. Breathe deeply and smile.