His Top 10 of 2013

Another year has come and gone, slipped by like the puff white clouds on the open prairie. We're trying to stay warm now like most everyone in the area, building blazing fires and bundling up tight. While the coffee is hot and the kids are sleeping, what best to pass the time than flip through the photographs of 2013. 

This year has been another one of tremendous growth. So many new faces have come through our front door and across our paths. We have enjoyed being in your homes and invited to your favourite spots, always to capture the special moments. We are so excited about what is in store for WJB Photography in this next year and hope that you will be a part of it. 

It's so hard for me to narrow down all the selections for my "Top 10" photographs of 2013, when you love taking photos there become so many that have emotional attachment. Some of these photos you may have seen before, and some of them are off the cutting room floor. Regardless, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. 

We wish you all the best in the coming year, 


Her Top 13 of 2013

As I look back through our photos from this past year, it excites me to know that we were able to capture so many special moments and emotions. Aside from the actual memory of an important life event, a photo is the only lasting record. That is why I love what we do. Here are 13 of my favourite photos from 2013 in chronological order.


Winnipeg Family Photographers - St. Vital Park - The S Family

Winnipeg Family Photographers - The D Family

Winnipeg Family Photographers - The Forks - The S Family